The Spanish Peaks Community Foundation strategically directs the generous contributions of our members to meet the needs and support the quality of life of those living and working in the Big Sky community.
Upcoming Events
Peaks Cup
Monday, September 9
Increase your impact on the Big Sky community with our
Black Diamond Giving Program.
Our Goal
To fund grants to local organizations and projects that deliver direct community services, educational support, affordable access to outdoor resources and recreation, and cultural opportunities that enrich the greater Big Sky community.
Our History
What started as Spanish Peaks members reaching out to assist former Spanish Peaks employees through the LIFT program became Spanish Peaks Community Foundation (SPCF). LIFT made a dramatic difference to 47 families affected by the bankruptcy – SPCF will allow us to support even more individuals and 501 (c)(3) organizations here in Big Sky.
Join us in celebrating 13 years of Impact
Browse our 2024 Annual Report
On Instagram
Our Mission
The Spanish Peaks Community Foundation strategically directs the generous contributions of our members to meet the needs and support the quality of life of those living and working in the Big Sky community.
Foundation Grants
April 1st deadline for May grant consideration. October 1st deadline for November grant consideration. Evaluations for previously awarded grants must be received before new grant proposals will be considered.
Contact Us
Spanish Peaks Community Foundation
PO Box 161303
Big Sky, MT 59716
Clarissa Weirick
Executive Director:
Hannah Waterbury